Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Ordinary day

Written by: Cara Curry

Days come and go,
The years fly by.
Always in a rush to grow up,
But never in a rush to die.

Looking back on my life,
I don’t want to regret.
I’ll hold onto the simple times,
And the moments I’ll never forget.

An ordinary day is a treasure,
Unlike any other,
Most take them for granted,
Like a child and their mother.

On our journey through life,
We should live, learn and love,
We should hold our brothers near
And praise the creator up above.

A perfect tomorrow is mistaken,
It’s a never-ending quest,
Live your life today,
Always strive to do your best.

Be gentle and encouraging,
Only have kind words to say.
Everyday may not be good,
But there is good in everyday.

Days come and go,
The years fly by,
Always in a rush to grow up,
But never in a rush to die. 

    This poem is a response to "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button". The story of Benjamin Button tells of child that was born in the physical form of a seventy year old man, and died a baby. The writer uses elements of modernism such as the diagetic world and magical realism to help the reader see cultural biases, prejudices and truths. The theme of life vs. death is evident within the story. Benjamin had been beaten down by prideful issues concerning his father, his son and even himself. The prideful issue of  reputation lead to moments of sadness for Benjamin, along with the other factors of dying alone and being different then others.
    I wrote this poem based on the theme of Life. We should live life to its fullest potential. This also links back to my first blog about myself and what i want to be remembered for. I do not want to look back and regret certain situations or be held back due to certain struggles and insecurities. These are daily struggles, but i find that through prayer and with the help of God anything is possible. As the body of Christ we should cherish each day and be thankful for the many blessings God has given us.

1 comment:

  1. I like it! Especially about that like a child and their mother.

    i read it aloud and heather said she liked it then i told her you wrote it, not even a professional. you are pretty legit cara curry.
